Friday, August 29, 2008

Eclipse Copyright Tool

The other day I tried the Copyright Tool, part of the Eclipse Releng Tools ( however I could not find documentation for it.

I was trying to update the copyright statements in our source code so I modified the copyright template in the preference page. Then I ran the “Fix Copyrights…” action and the copyrights changed but not with the text I specified in the template. Then I found this thread in Eclipse newsgroups explaining the difference between the "Fix Copyrights..." and "Advanced Fix Copyrights..." actions. The action that updates the copyright statement with the text in the template is “Advanced Fix Copyrights…” and it is available only in the Navigator view!
At the end, after playing a bit with it, I found this tool interesting but not useful for our specific case; it needs to be more customizable.

Hope this posting gives you some heads up…

Puzzle for killing your brain cells

A friend of mine sent me this Fantastic Contraption puzzle. Good one if you like thinking.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Debugging WebSphere with Eclipse

This is how I attach my Eclipse 3.3 to WebSphere 6.1 for debugging my deployed applications.

In WebSphere’s console, I go to Application Servers > my-server-to-debug > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. Near the bottom of the page, I check Debug Mode and the values I am using in Debug arguments are:
-Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xnoagent

After applying the changes, I restart WebSphere.

In the Debug Dialog, I create a new configuration under the category Remote Java Application. I specify the project containing the source code of my deployed application, localhost (my WebSphere is running locally) and the port 7777.

Now I am ready to debug. I add some breakpoints, launch the debug configuration and run my deploy application.

Hope this helps you.

Until next…

Monday, August 18, 2008

Java Certifications

Here is a nice article with a list of different Java certifications available (not just from Sun):

Right after finishing my Computer Science degree, I pursued my SCJP certification and although it was not a guarantee for a job, it definitely gave me an advantage over other candidates.

Whether if the certification made me a better programmer or not, I am not sure. However, I noticed that the certification gave me extra knowledge that my programming classes did not teach me and that my colleagues did not know.

After a few years programming, I realized that good programmers are made of experience, knowledge and creativity, not just certifications or good grades at school.

Until next…

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eclipse blog en Español

After some incredible vacation, I am back.

While I was doing a short research over the internet, I found out that there aren't many Eclipse blogs in Spanish. Therefore, I will start one.

I will continue posting all my entries in this blog. However, for those entries about Eclipse, I will translate them and post them in the new blog. Stay tune for the next entry...

Hasta la próxima...